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After Action Intel

Posted on Wed Feb 14th, 2024 @ 1:24pm by Lieutenant Commander Keishara Davaris & 1st Lieutenant Kes Th’relnal
Edited on on Wed Feb 14th, 2024 @ 1:25pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Year One: Whispers in the Wind
Location: VIP Quarters - Deck 5A, USS Moore
Timeline: MD 017 - 0130 Hours

Keishara had taken over one of the VIP quarters on deck 5A. She had done this before during the war and it proved a suitable space to conduct a large investigation and a space that proved to be adequate for the equipment and personnel needed.

She had yet to change out of her dirty blood stained and debris ridden uniform. To add to the now dull yellow that once shone brightly she now had some rips and other markings to show her time on the ground.

Getting the colony's inhabitants to the shelters up in the hills had proven difficult in the chaos with people getting lost, with people wanting to pick fights and others playing the blame game. That is how she got the cut across her right cheek. A colonist didn't like being told to get a move on and lashed out.

Standing at the head of the table in a room full of security and marines, they'd decided to work together on this, she saw reports as they came in exactly 12 hours since the bombs went off.

Deaths, missing people, casualty reports, damage to buildings, to the Romulan colony, the docks. It was all mounting up.

Kes stalked through the hallways of the ship, he'd managed to get his hands on a new comm badge, but his clothes were still torn and blood was mixed with dirt.

The door slid open and he looked at the gathered crew. Good. The wheels could turn without him for a while. He locked eyes with Keishara. "What's the sit rep here?"

Looking up to find a shade of blue enter the room her shoulders slumped a touch as he asked the question.

"12 hour on from the bombs we are still tallying the dead and missing. So far we have 32 confirmed dead on Brighton colony, I expect that to rise. 75 injured and extensive damage to the colony infrastructure. Thankfully we have the shelters up in the hills as I think that provided structure in the chaos and calmed people significantly as we moved them." she pinched her nose and sighed. "The admin building is completely gone. Karla is dead and we found Arun alive nearby with extensive injuries and he's in surgery still."

Kei then brought up a holo-image of the Romulan settlement.

"The Romulan settlement took heavy damage. Mr Naal has been sending in reports that he and the URL have 18 or so dead with more expected." she then pointed to the wall of incoming information. "We also have reports of infighting within the colony between colonists and Romulans. After the message sent from these Whispers they believe the Romulans are at fault for what's happened." she looked at a PADD and began scrolling.

"Do you have anything to report? I know your marines went down to help." she asked.

"Mostly escorting the medical teams and providing a hand where needed." Kes frowned. "That message probably explains the fights I had reports of. Thankfully the reports say they were handled without incident."

"I've stationed a squad to patrol around the shelters as a deterrent for any more attacks and to hopefully give the civies a sense of security and safety."

He'd spent the bulk of the last while down on the planet in the thick of it, giving the marines orders as they beamed down. The only reason he'd come up when he did was to get a proper update before going back down.

"Do we have any word from Intelligence? Are they able to verify anything from the Whisper message?" Kes asked with a sigh as he rested his fists on the table. His body was tired, running on the bit of food from before, but mostly adrenaline at this point.

"I can feel the emotions on the ship is running high. Understandable but I wish sometimes that species had a greater handle on what they put out there to species that can feel that kind of thing." Kei stated as she stared out the window of the quarters down at the planet.

Shaking herself free from that thought out loud. "We need to make sure we are keeping the peace as best we can down there. Right now there will be a lot of panic, fear and that can lead to people acting desperately and in ways we cannot predict." Kei looked over at Kes. "I have most of my security department down there investigating, performing search and rescue as well as some of my bomb techs scouring the wreckage. It's a mess." she admitted.

"As for word from intelligence, no, but I know they will be working on something." Kei answered his question. "I know Lieutenants Zhevou and Baaru and some of their people have been gathering information themselves and," she looked at her wrist watch. "should be compiling that information for us. Once the dust settles a little more on the planet I think we should hold a briefing, probably tomorrow (MD 018)."

She paused, she looked tired. Kei hadn't slept since, well for a while. Rubbing her face to waken it up a bit she looked back at Kes. "How are your marines holding up?" she asked showing some concern cracking through her usual icing demeanour.

He glanced around at those gathered and chose his words carefully. "Considering the sudden and chaotic situation we're finding ourselves in, they're holding up better than expected."

Kes noticed a slight appreciative nod from a marine he hadn't learned the name of yet. He was telling the truth, for the most part. Most of these Marines hadn't seen destruction on this scale before and most were just falling back on their ingrained training. The gravity of the situation would hit them soon enough. Hopefully the ship had good counselors or bartenders.

His antenna dropped forward and he closed his eyes for a moment before standing back upright. "I'm going to get back down." He plucked at his dirt covered shirt and frowned. "And change into a proper uniform first."

Looking back up at Kei he gave her a curt nod before his antenna swayed forward. "I'll keep you apprized of the situation as it changes from the ground. Hopefully a proper medical relief ship gets here sooner than later."

"I did hear the USS Idaho is on its way but it'll be some time before it gets here." Kei replied. "If you need anything from the ship, or my security teams, just give me a call and I'll see what I can scrounge up for you." she let out a weak smile. "Stay safe."

"Once this is over I'll want you to save me a warm seat and a cold drink." Kes replied as he stood up straight. "I'll be going back planet-side within the hour once I get myself fully kitted out."

He motioned to his current outfit consisting of battered civies, a comm badge and a side arm he'd acquired from one of the first marine's he'd seen after the incident. "I'll check in once I'm there and report back any requirements."

"I'll look out for your call Lieutenant." Keishara replied as she watched the Andorian leave the room.

Looking down at the table she steeled herself. There would be more bad news to come before the night was over.


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